How can Improve my decision capacity?

How can Improve my decision capacity?


Decision 🤔


5 laws to improve decision capacity 👇

1. Think in different language:-

Your question will be 👇

Why to think in different language?


     If you give concentration on your past. You can easily find out that from childhood you were thinking in your language (mother tongue). So as a result your brain has developed a systematic way of thinking (nervous system). So whenever you started thinking in your mother tongue your brain has not to do a-lot of effort. Because he has already developed the way. 
And when you think in your mother tongue it always filled with emotions and past traumas. So you will make decisions knowingly/unknowingly attached with your past activities. Which your brain has developed from a long time. It will not let your decision clear. And you fear a-lot.

So whenever you think in a different language your brain has to develop a new nervous system. Which is absolutely new from the long time activities. For which reason your brain has to do a-lot of exercises. And as a result you think more genuinely than before. Which is not affected by past traumas and activities. So you don't fear to think opposition party clearly.

 And a bonus tip:-

 new language develop your brain. And capabilities.

2. Sit anywhere else then before:-

It will help you in thinking with new capacity and new possibilities. Because new places has no past feelings which affects your thinking. And for your brain that will be a totally different place to work. 

3. Keep yourself hydrated and energetic:-

This will help you in thinking more clearly and effectively. Whenever you are in a fresh and jolly mood. You always think to go out fo the box and that helps in forming new and better ideas.

And as you may know that our brain is made of 70% to 80 % from water. Then think what happened if you are not hydrated. It will affect your brain capacity.

4. Be calm too:-

Not from outer position but also from inner sense. Because if you focus you can relate to my words that the most of scientist get their new ideas when they were silent. Visiting in parks or sleeping.

5. Proper diet and sleep:-

Proper diet is fuel if that will be missed then what will happened. 
And a good sleep is give a fresh and rest ful start to your brain. And as a result it works more better than before.

And as always focus on your brain. 

Do meditation. 



Play brain games.

 Talk from older people. 

 And keep enjoying your moment. 
