How I stop thinking negative?

 How I stop thinking negative? I have tried every possible method but nothing works and now it's affecting my study , social life as well as mental health.

**Remember** :— Nothing will change just in one day. But yeah it will change necessarily one day.

And nothing is permanent in life , sometimes something stay longer but remember it will change must oneday. Until the day come you just have to keep moving.

Source:— Instagram

**Now let's try to use some other tips alsoπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡**

**First write-**

Writing helps you in understanding yourself. Just keep writing. Don't worry the negative thoughts will come it's not sin. It's just a part of life. Write down daily for just fifteen minutes. It will help you must. And then you can throw that or burn that paper. This will help you to feel free. It has tried with many people and me also. And I have heard that this trick is also used by many great psychology and great philosopher.

**Wake up early before sun 🌞:—**

This will fill you with positive energy. It's really work.

**Take Sun light daily:—**

This charge your whole body and also help in producing dopamine ( happiness chemical) and many others. Which makes you feel energetic and positive.

**Be busy:—**

Busyness never let you become boring. Because ir never give you free time to think bad. You can enroll with new skills like learning musical instruments and other things.


The prayer give positive energy and makes your mind-body positive. And makes you feel calm and comfortable.

**Go for morning or evening walk:—**

This will help you to produce and flow positive and energetic energy in body. Which makes you feel better.

**And try meditation**.

 You can start your meditation by watching YouTube channels. But always use those channels whom you can find trustworthy.

**Make new friends.**

**Use less sugar.**

 Or cut-off it. This makes us negative from inner and outer both sides.

**Smile just a fake one but smile**. 

This will makes you and your body feel better.

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**Be grateful.**

 To each and everything. Trust me this work.

**Practice affirmations:—**

Like:— I am positive. I am healing. I am attracting positive energy. Trust me it's work.

**And most important make a goal:—**

This will always keep you motivated and hardworking and make you survive during the bad days also.

Keep smiling πŸ™‚.

Insaan hindi moral story πŸ‘ˆ❤️

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