
 What is the life is?...

Is this is the way we are living or spending our time is life..

Let's start with a little story: -

When Buddha was visiting to places to places in order to spread the knowledge ,with his disciples, and villagers. He met with many types  of person. Like sometimes he got caught up with a mad,sometimes with educated,sometimes with illiterate and sometimes with a king and a maid, a women,a old,a child,a prisoners,sometimes with guards and many types of other persons.  By this they got a summary of many types of personality in one. Everybody had their own problems. Thinking. Speciality. Work ethic. Someone's were good Someone's weren't. 

One day a disciple got a amazing question. That sir what is the life is! Asked from Buddha

Is the life is ,in which way we are living or in any others way. I mean  who is really living the life. Is we are or the common people's are....  And what is the best way to live it.

Buddha smiled and said ☺: -

                    Life is nothing than our consciousness.  It is not a performing art or                technic. It is in living the art. It is not a    random work. It is a habbit of our every                 single moment we spend.. We and they(common peoples) are also  living the same & real life.

    I have already told you: -  That life is nothing than our consciousness.  For us the life is in searching the answer of our questions. For them thr life is what they find in their every moment..

 Like for a mad man life is in his believe that what he is doing is life. For a king 🤴 the life is in how he served his countrymen.  For a common man life is in how he helped his country to grow by his and her work.. 

Everyone is living the really life.

And everyone reality is in how he think his life is......

Written by :- Varun 
