Why one should make decisions based on facts and data rather than depending on feelings?🤔

1's question 👇

Why one should make decisions based on facts and data rather than depending on feelings?🤔

Why one should make decisions based on facts and data rather than depending on feelings?🤔

Because mood and feelings are temporary. They swing one to another everytime-everywhere. So this thing doesn't help you to stay focused and motivated all the time. And one of the biggest fault in decesion making with feelings is people don't try to listen anything bad or negative about that field because they are too closed to that thing. And this fault leads to great failure also. So just try to keep your feelings aside and judge the situation properly which give you a long-term sustainable field.

And when you too attached with something with great feeling towards that thing and got failed. So you don't try again in that same field because it's shaken your belief's.

2'nd question 👇

Fear of failure downgrade us. How we can overcome from this feeling?

Fear of failure downgrade us. How we can overcome from this feeling?

Fear of failure is a part of success.

If you want to succeed you have to work on it.

Where is high risk-there will be also high percentage of success.

So you just have to acknowledge that fear will be always there but you have to take actions besides of fear also. So just keep going.

Fear makes us fearless also. So just remember fear is a sign that we are going into right direction.

And the best way to fight with fear is:—👇

**Practice+courage+calculated risk>risk**

Whenever you get risk just ask yourself why you have started. And write that again on paper and just write down I am capable for this. And I will be no matter what the situation will be but I will keep going until successful.

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Is sports help us to cultivate mental toughness? And how?👈🤔
