What are some habits you feel people should leave or give-up ?

What are some habits you feel people should leave or give-up ?

Those habits are:—👇

1. Lieing to themselves own.

2. Being lazy in young age.

3. Living to impress others.

4. A_lot of self doubts.

5. Overthinking.

6. Making excuses .

7. Saying I have no time for oneself own self-improvement like:— gym-new skills etc.

8. Taking a-lot of sugar.

9. Thinking to make money instantly.

10. Giving-up too early on your goals.

And many others like that.

Reasons why we should leave these habits. 👇

1.👉 Lieing to themselves own:-👇

This habit never allow us to move forward in life. Because we only keep blaming others for the barriers of our life. And we never allow ourself to go against ourself. And this thing never reveal our weakness and this thing downgrade us only.

2.👉 Being lazy in young age:-👇

This thing never let us be successful. Because we only stay in our comfort zone and keep dreaming and dreaming only. Which just waste our time and keep us away from real happiness because of fake happiness (comfort zone). Which only destroy us and our future.

3.👉 Living to impress others:-👇

This thing left us crying everytime because we can never make everyone happy around us. And this thing only let our time wasted on . And without any gain it's makes us a vain. Because we can't make everyone happy. And if we ever try we will be left alone cryingly.

4.👉 A lot of self-doubt :-👇

This thing kill our success a-lot of time than failures. And leave us with nothing. Without any profit it's betray our present and future both.

5.👉  Overthinking:-👇

This thing just waste our time and give problems without their existence. And make us demotivated and troublesome with the fight with our own fake world. Which left us with nothing.

6.👉 Making excuses:-👇

This thing never allow us  to see our own weakness. And never let us be successful.

7.👉  No time for self-improvement  :-👇

Never let you be changed and just destroy your future.

8.👉 Taking a-lot of sugar:-👇

Sugar make us negative from two sides. From inner side and outer side both. So leave this and start using jaggery on the substitution of sugar.

9.👉  Thinking to make money instantly:-👇

Instant money is just a scam it's never bring empire with it. It just attract fake things instantly and then show it's reality. To us.

10.👉 Giving up too early on your goals:-👇

This thing never let us be successful. Never-ever in our life.

Moral of this story:-👇

Leave it our these will leave you with nothing. Except crying and dwelling.

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