Why people feel lonely and isolated even when they are in a big city? Filled with millions of people? Why?

Why people feel lonely and isolated even when they are in a big city? Filled with millions of people? Why?

Because as Zakir Khan said that:—

Happiness doesn't come from any place, it comes from the peoples.


Thats quote says a lot.

And now.👇

People feel lonely and isolated because they don't get real people and time to have with them. People talk them when they have their own work if not then not. Because we all stay busy in running from one places to others. And one of the biggest reason is that we are not satisfied with ourself own. We don't give ourselves times and find someone to make us happy. That's why we feel isolated and lonely

Why we still takes action in anger after which we have to regrate a-lot. Why do we dotake actions in out of anger?

Because at that moment we have lost our awareness. And in that unawareness. What we feel we do and for that reason we haven't control on our emotions and feelings. Because we feel that we are right and the opposition is wrong in every way.

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