#how does negativity sometimes run in mind? How to get rid of it?

How negativity sometimes run in the mind?  How do I get rid of it?

#howsometimesnegativityrunsinmind?#howcanigetridofit, #howtpgetridfromnegativity #hownegativitycontrolus

How does negativity sometimes run in the mind? How do I get rid of it?

Answer 👇

First you have to understand, that negative thoughts are common in everyone. And most of the time when we are alone this types of thoughts born in us a-lot. Because it is active thoughts then the positive ones, they are very infectious. They attract us very fastly. And its natural. 100% natural in everyone. If you are a human being, then it's common but never let it control you because this will not let you be successful in life.

#howdoesnegativityrunsinmind?#howtogetridofit?, #howtogetridofnegativethoughts

How to get rid out of it instantly 👇

1.👉 For instant relief just a page and pen and start writing whatever is coming in your mind. Don't worry negative isn't wrong. It's hundred percent genuine. How to get under its control is wrong. When the work has been done, take that paper throw it in dustbin or burn it.

And long-term it's tough to practice what we can try. 



The answer is 👇

By not controlling it.

what I say not controlling it.  how?🤔

Let me tell you something that whenever you try to control your thoughts forcefully. It will buried for that time but come again very powerfully.

So what to do ?🤔 Then.

Then just takes sometime and separate yourself from distractions and sit in alone for half an hour or you can sit for 20 minutes also. And in that moment you just have to focus  on your mind at what types of thoughts are born in.

You haven't to neglect it you just have to notice its functions. And question yourself, that why these types of questions are coming in my mind?

 And add some other habits like 👇👇👇


Introspection yourself daily. 

Writting your feelings.

Believe in god. Believe means trust that everything will happen for a good reason in my life.  And he/she will not let me destroy or spoil my life by negative thoughts.

It will not be quickly. Because great things takes time...
Patience will require.

(Thanks for reading)

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