How do you make someone feel like a winner when you beat him every time ? on October 29, 2021 #whydoifeellikedoormat? #howtogetridfromthefeelingofdoormat? How do you make someone feel like a winner when you beat him every time ? +
How you become moderate and minimize anger on October 28, 2021 #whatisanger?#anger?#howtobecomeamoderateandangryless?#howtocontrolanger? How you become moderate and minimize anger? +
How to study π ? on October 21, 2021 #18/20rule #pomodoro-technique How to study? #howtostudy?#hiwtostudybetter?#whataresometipstoincreaseinterestinstudies +
Why motivated people doesn't work sometimes? on October 18, 2021 #why motivation failed sometimes? Why motivated people doesn't work sometimes? Why motivation is important? #what is motivation? #motivation +
I am having a mental breakdown due to demotivation from people around me what i should do ? on October 15, 2021 I am having a mental breakdown due to demotivation from people around me. No one acknowledges my hard work or preserverence. How can i fight these negative thoughts? +
Two small habits to talk about on October 12, 2021 #smiling #howbreathinghelpus?#whatsmiledo? #what are dome habits to adopt ? #what are so.e habit that change our life?#life-changinghabit?#breathing +
A few rules to live full ... on October 09, 2021 #howtolivefully?whataresomerulesthatmanfollowtolivefully?#goldenrulesoflivetolive?#howtolivehappily?#life +
Why anger and irritation is so common now? on October 06, 2021 Why anger and irritation is so common today? How to deal witb anger and irritation? Whyangerandirritationissocmontoday?howtodealandovercomefromangerandirritation? +
Happy people signs on October 03, 2021 #happypeoplesigns #how to attract happiness? #howtobemorehappy #whatareso.esignsofahappyperson #whatcanidoforincreasingmyhappiness #whatishappiness +