What can i do to be calm?

What can I do to convince myself to be calm?

What can I do to convince myself to be calm?

Have a powerful why?🤔

It's mean you should know about it why you want it? And when your why is clear then the doors are open.

Write down all your statements according to you why you want it on a plain white page with red pen or colour and stick this page on a wall or door . Where you can see them daily. In early morning. And can take action to cure it. So do it now.

Now you know why you want that. So the procces is simple.

Now adopt good habits for i.e. 👇

1. Wake up early. Have a two glass of water. Let the water feel in your body.

2. Go outside and breathe heavily. Suck the fresh air. And say I am thankful to you all for these all beautiful things and for a lovely day.

3. Now affirm I am calm. I am happy. God is with me. This is my day.

4. Go and fresh yourself.

What can I do to convince myself to be calm? Yoga, meditation

5. Meditate and do yoga. Daily. Focus on your breathing. Exercise well.

6. Listen your favourite songs 5-6 per day. This will help you to increase the level of your mind and to kill frustration which make you out of control.

7. Have a proper breakfast. With a gratitude and smile on face. And just say this will help me to be more calm.

8. Take a proper sleep.

9. Keep yourself hydrated.

10. Don't full your mind with junks on the name of knowledge. Like watching many videos and lisenting many podcasts. This will just mess your mind.

11. Watch comedy for a-little bit. But in a limit.

12. Do what you like just for ten minutes but do. I.E painting -singing -dancing -writing.

13. Cut off negative news and friends from your life.

14. Visit in nature.

15. Look in to sky at night. Look the moon. Look the stars. And keep a smile.

16. And journal yourself daily before sleeping your day and activities and just keep cutting and adding habits what you like and don't. Time by time.

17. Keep your place clean and well managed.

18. Don't run in search of perfection only.

19. Don't take anyone -anything personally.

20. Be yourself. Don't put your legs in anyone matters until you are not asked for. Don't give any attention on bad opinion and talks.

21. And just breathe heavily -heavily with a smile on your face.

22. Take less sugar. 

Have a unique day and life. Just be yourself. And keep going. You will be ok because life is not only about one part it's about the whole story. Keep moving. Keep-smiling. 

 2 nd question 👇 

What are the benefit of the Emotional Awareness?

What are the benefit of the Emotional Awareness?

The number one benefit is it's work everywhere ,Everytime.

While I.Q. sometimes gets flop that time it's work also.

How much your I.Q. is important for any success more than that E.Q. is important for success. Because no matter how much smart you are you will stucked somewhere must, you will suffer must. One of the biggest example Elon— Musk. His spaceX test fails three times. No matter how smart he is it happened with him. But what is that which he still achieve it. His power to console himself after every failure in life. And that can be possible because of Self-awareness only.

Because Self-awareness give you the power to understand the situation and work accordingly to the situation. Like when everyone get demotivation because of failure than only the Self-awareness can make them alive again.

Like India's first Space craft launch got fail. After a ten years of practice and hardwork. What happens with the team of A.P.J Abdul Kalam. And what A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said about Satish Dhawan the chairman. And why that same team become successful after that big depression in just one year because of the act of Satish Dhawan at that situation. Raised their morality and make them believe that yes! There is anyone who cares for them and they are capable to do what they want to do. That is Self-awareness.

Remember the quote:—

You hired for your I.Q but Fired for your E.Q.

Your I.Q can give you fame -name but E. Q. Only E.Q. can earn respect for you. Because your behaviour matters.

Like Buddha- Vivekananda and etc. They all-know for their E.Q because they know how to act in any situation. I. Q is also there.

That's the power of E.Q. 

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